miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Two websites and a blog

As I said in my last post, I want to show some sites I found while surfing the net. They all deal with the topic that we are interested in: ICT inside the classroom. So let's start!

This is an enormous website that is full of articles related to the use of technology for educational purposes. Several writers are constantly providing new stories, ideas and tools and also teachers act as contributors by sending their own discoveries. To give you an example, if you happened to enter now, you would see at the very top the most read articles, they are: How an Amsterdam school uses Facebook Timeline in History Classes, 10 free Web 2.0 tools and how to easily use them in your classroom and A social learning network you may not know about. These topics are really interesting as they give us ideas to put into practice on the go and inside our own classrooms. I highly recommend this website and suggest that it should  be added to your RSS feed.

Madame Techie
Well, this is a lot more personal. It is a teacher's blog and everything is related to her learning and their students. Nevertheless, we can think of it as an useful way to see how a tool actually worked (and if it worked) with students. There are a lot of web 2.0 tools recommended and several reflective posts. From the latter, the ones that I liked the most were those dealing with the importance of using ICT, how to make a friend of technology, how to overcome technical difficulties and that we should always have an alternative plan for our lessons. She has not written for a while now, so we could take her blog as a finished book and browse through it to see what is worth reading.

Edublogs Teacher Challenges
This website is quite interesting. It works as a course that you attend during 30 days. They give you tasks, you give them a shot and publish what you accomplished in your own blog. The challenge that guided me to the website is the one called 'Free Tools Challenge.' They provided one tool a day and gave information about how to use it inside the classroom. Everything is really well explained; from the reason why using a particular tool, how to get started with it and obviously how to implement it. I am not going to start any challenge soon but I have in mind that there is this site where a lot of information on how to introduce this tools to my future lessons is present. Check their lists of challenges and see which ones fits your needs!

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